Tormod Landet
Tormod Landet
I am currently in the last stages of completing a PhD in computational fluid dynamics at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo (2014-2019). My research is on exactly divergence free higher order discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for free surface flows, such as ocean waves. You can find a list of my publications at Google Scholar and my open source two-phase Navier-Stokes solver, Ocellaris, on the web pages of the Ocellaris project. My PhD supervisor is Mikael Mortensen. I have a master degree in Computational Marine Engineering (2003-2008) from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Tormod Landet, email: firstname AT lastname dot net
I hold a position as a Senior Engineer at DNV GL (2008-). My work has been on Marine Hydrodynamics in the group of Olav Rognebakke In addition to working as a consultant, analyst and project manager I am the main responsible for developing a large post-processing, visualisation and statistics toolbox with scripting and GUI (internal use only). I was also for many years the main administrator of an internal HPC Cluster (Infiniband, MPI, FhGFS, Grid Engine, Bright cluster manager). As a consultant I work with extreme value statistics, analysis of numerical and experimental data, ULS, ALS and FLS loads on ships and other structures exposed to ocean waves, wave energy, ... Tools include Wasim, Wadam, Star CCM+, OpenFOAM and a large arsenal of internal tools, many developed wholly or partially by me.